Martes, Pebrero 23, 2016

100 new plans for coastal communities across the UK

Coastal communities unveil 100 radical plans in a drive to boost growth, jobs and prosperity.

Over 100 economic plans have been submitted from coastal areas across the country today, from building a new history centre in Plymouth to redesigning the high street in Scarborough.

The plans submitted to the government by the teams include housing, business opportunities, jobs and skills, health and civic pride.

Over 11 million people live in coastal communities, from major cities to seaside villages. Across 150 seaside resorts, the tourism industry alone accounts for the employment of 250,000 people.

The industry contributes £4Bn to the UK economy. The government is supporting local coastal community teams to help revive towns and deliver their plans for future economic growth.

A total of 118 Coastal Community teams were created last year, given a share of £1.18M to help drive forward coastal areas growth.

Communities Secretary Greg Clark said: “Our Great British Coast has enormous economic potential and we are determined to see it thrive all year round – not just in the summer months.

“The huge number of plans submitted, demonstrate the wave of optimism, and wealth of creative and practical ideas to boost the economic lift-off.

“I now want to see their hard work and enthusiasm come to fruition by helping to deliver their ideas through the Coastal Community teams.”

Economic plans submitted include a brand new history centre in Plymouth to mark the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s voyage. They will also secure investment for a number of new projects, including new digital hotspots across the city, restructuring the waterfront and encouraging a cycling culture.

Locals in Folkestone will give their views and work with marketing specialists in developing a new town brand. A new business hub will support start-ups and the living environment will be enhanced through public art and green space landscaping.

Scarborough have submitted new plans to restructure their high street, redeveloping derelict floor space and bringing good-quality new homes into the city centre.

The £120M Coastal Communities fund was established in 2012 and so far has created nearly 14,000 new jobs and over 10,000 training places.






The post 100 new plans for coastal communities across the UK appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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