Martes, Hulyo 12, 2016

IEMA welcome Brexit UK energy policy inquiry

The Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) has welcomed the news that the Energy and Climate Change Committee is to launch an inquiry to investigate the impact of Brexit for UK energy policy.

“The UK’s transition to a low-carbon sustainable economy requires long-term investment and policy certainty.”

The Committee has invited responses to a number of issues and set a deadline Wednesday 14 September 2016 to respond.

The UK energy sector is connected via trade, directives and interconnection with the European Union. Although EU member states retain control over their energy mix, the EU has been a driving force for the UK’s energy policy through its directives and proposals.

The Committee will seek responses to a number of key topics in an effort to gain understanding on the implications of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union on its energy policy:

  • To what extent have the Government’s energy policies been driven by the EU? Are any policy areas currently at risk?
  • What should be the Government’s priorities on energy when negotiating the UK’s exit from the EU? What would a successful negotiation outcome look like?
  • What aspects of existing EU energy policies and directives are beneficial to the UK? What should be the Government’s priorities in deciding which EU-led energy policies and legislation to retain?

Responding to news of the inquiry, Martin Baxter, Chief Policy Advisor, IEMA told UK Construction Online’s Matt Brown: “We welcome the Committee’s inquiry into the implications for UK energy policy from the UK’s decision to leave the EU.  The UK’s transition to a low-carbon sustainable economy requires long-term investment and policy certainty.

“The inquiry will help to ensure that we understand the energy risks and opportunities from leaving the EU, and enable the development of an energy policy which supports the UK economy and is consistent with our national and international climate goals”.

Following the Brexit, IEMA called upon the government to implement an equivalent or improved level of environmental protection and climate policy when negotiating Britain’s exit from the EU.

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