Martes, Enero 28, 2020

Delivery of homes in Purfleet marks beginning of regeneration scheme

A £1Bn programme to regenerate the centre of Purfleet in Essex has commenced its first potential phase with the approval of 61 family-sized homes near the train station, opening the gateway to further investment and development which can benefit the wider community.

Going into further detail, the Thurrock Borough Council’s planning committee has approved the construction of the aforementioned 61 homes which form the first stage of a wider regeneration plan by the company Purfleet Centre Regeneration Ltd (PCRL) which aims to improve railways, transport links, housing, retail and commercial space, and even create a new community health centre.

These homes are being delivered through a joint venture partnership between Swan Housing Association and Urban Catalyst with 30 per cent of them being available under the Government’s Shared Ownership scheme to make housing more affordable.

The Chairman of PCRL, Sir Tim Laurence stated: “We are excited to commence this project, which will form part of the wider regeneration of Purfleet, creating a vibrant place for people to live, work, learn, socialise and invest, and which is in harmony with its natural surroundings.

“The first phase is an opportunity to demonstrate PCRL’s commitment to realising our ambitious plans and to repaying the trust that the local community have placed in us.

“We look forward to continuing to work closely with local residents – who have provided vital local knowledge and support in the development of our masterplan – to create a thriving Purfleet for everyone.”

The Leader of Thurrock Council, Councillor Rob Gledhill added: “The Purfleet Centre redevelopment scheme as a whole will incorporate a number of significant infrastructure improvements which will include better access to the Thames river front, improvements to flood defences, high quality public open spaces, a new health centre, community facilities, and a new primary school alongside new shops and leisure facilities.

“The recently approved application will also create a significant area of public open space and play facilities for the benefit of new and existing residents, all of this along with 61 houses is showing we will put infrastructure before expansion.”

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