Biyernes, Agosto 21, 2015

Prime Minister to outline apprenticeship plans

Part of government plans to create three million apprenticeships by 2020.

Prime Minister David Cameron is set to announce plans that will increase the number of quality apprenticeships across England.

It comes as part of the government’s commitment to create and support three million apprenticeships by the end of the next Parliament.

Under the radical new plans, businesses will be able to have their say on the way an apprenticeship is run and the type of training offered with each one.

Today’s plans will go some way to helping the government achieve its one nation target and will build on the number of apprenticeships that were established in the last Parliament.

In the five years to the Prime Minister’s re-election, 2.3 million apprenticeships were created, which will give skills and expertise to young people in the long term that are demanded by employers.

The road and rail industries are set to benefit greatly from today’s plans, as Patrick McLoughlin, the Transport Secretary, will announce that 30,000 places will be allocated during the Parliament. This will be supported by a transport strategy led by the Chairman of Crossrail, Terry Morgan.

Employers will also be encouraged to give their opinions about the inception of an apprenticeship levy that would see investment boosted for apprentices and skills training so that it meets the needs of employers.

This will be introduced in 2017 and will financially boost training and apprenticeships.

The Prime Minister said today’s plans will provide a “brighter future” for many people.

He said: “The greatest asset any employer has is their workforce. And by investing in them, they are investing in the success and future of their business.

“As a one nation government, we are committed to supporting three million quality apprenticeships over the next five years – to help strengthen our economy, deliver the skills that employers need and give millions more hardworking people financial security and a brighter future.”

Other measures that will be outlined include the 5% club, which is a business-led network of employers who are committed to ensuring at least 5% of its workforce are undertaking either apprenticeships or training schemes in the next five years.

The beginning of next month will see big changes to government procurement too, as any contracts above £10M in value must have a clear focus and commitment to apprenticeships.

Bids will be reviewed with best practice for the number of apprentices that they expect to support.

It is hoped that this move will widen the scope of businesses offering apprenticeship schemes.

Skills Minister Nick Boles added: “Skilled people are the lifeblood of a strong economy but for too long UK businesses have invested too little in developing their employees’ skills to meet the demands of a competitive, global market.

“The apprenticeship levy will ensure that businesses invest in skills and training, and will act as a much needed shot in the arm for the country’s productivity.”

The post Prime Minister to outline apprenticeship plans appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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