Biyernes, Agosto 7, 2015

RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist: The Whitworth

UK Construction Media takes a closer look at The Whitworth, the RIBA National Award winning extension to the Whitworth Gallery, shortlisted for the RIBA Stirling Prize.

The Whitworth was redeveloped by MUMA (McInnes Usher McKnight Architects) and opened its doors in February 2015. It is part of The University of Manchester and is home to internationally renowned collections of modern art, textiles, watercolours, prints, drawings and sculpture.

The £15M redevelopment was supported by a large Heritage Lottery Grant, The University of Manchester, Arts Council England and other funders to see the 126 year-old building transformed into a 21st century ‘gallery in the park’.

The project has the public space doubled and created new state-of-the-art facilities including expanded gallery spaces, a study centre, learning studio, and a collections centre.

Over 230,000 people have visited the Whitworth since the gallery’s reopening, breaking all previously held annual records.

The focal point of MUMA’s major redevelopment project is the formation of an elegant glass, stainless steel and brick extension, which sees two wings extend into Whitworth Park from the back of the existing 19th century building, connecting the gallery to the surrounding park beyond.

The Whitworth (c) Alan Williams

The extension took inspiration from the gallery’s extensive textile collection, with MUMA developing a unique Whitworth blend of British brick and a brickwork pattern with a traditional textile slash work effect.

The vault exhibition gallery ceilings allow for the display of major, large scale international shows and access to the reinstated grand hall located on the first floor can now be gained via Edwardian staircases that are available for public use for the first time in over half a century.

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester commented: “The transformation of the Whitworth has been a significant project for The University of Manchester and I am delighted with MUMA’s beautiful reimagining of the gallery in the park.

“The fact that RIBA has recognised the architectural importance of this new building makes me very proud. The Whitworth is a valued part of the University, housing internationally significant art collections. Now we also have a building which matches these collections and which can be enjoyed by local people, students, staff and visitors from around the world for many years to come.”

The Whitworth (c) Alan Williams

RIBA said of the Whitworth: ‘This is not just conversion or adaptation of existing. The new architecture emerges quite seamlessly as an integral yet individualistic part of the whole assembly – a cafĂ©-bar to the left is all glass, views to the trees outside are almost internalised, a cloister below is shaded with almost impossibly slender fins and the ground floor special gallery has a roof light which does its job internally without fuss but is highlighted above the north elevation and backlit at night to announce the gallery’s presence with some force.

‘One can almost say that here the new architecture almost outshines the current exhibitions. This is a compliment to the architects – not a criticism of any artist, for to provide spaces which do not shout out, nor have sharp minimalism that announces ‘gallery’ yet provide something that is of international standard, is an achievement that merits more than a little attention.’

The winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize will be announced in October.

The Whitworth (c) Alan Williams

All photos  (c) Alan Williams

The post RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist: The Whitworth appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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