Lunes, Nobyembre 9, 2015

FTA calls on Chancellor to make fuel duty and skills shortage priority

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) wants the Chancellor to show support in his Autumn Statement for the freight industry by cutting fuel duty and investing training and driver facilities.

The FTA has sent its submission along with a letter from Chief Executive David Wells to the Chancellor to highlight three key issues facing the industry – the skills shortage, fuel duty and infrastructure investment.

The Association welcomed the freeze on duty announced in the July Budget, with Mr Wells describing it as a “much needed relief” and wants Mr Osborne to avoid putting pressure on operators by increasing prices.

The FTA say cutting 3p a litre from fuel duty will ease cost pressures on domestic road freight, stimulate economic growth and create jobs.

They also want to see the government support industry-led training programmes and for financial arrangements similar to student loans to be introduced for those looking to gain these skills. Also, by providing funding for improved roadside facilities including lorry parks, the FTA believe the government can make the industry more attractive as a potential career.

Karen Dee, FTA’s Director of Policy, said: “The Chancellor and Prime Minister have both emphasised that their priority is to protect the UK economy and boost productivity. The Government’s decision to freeze fuel duties for the past five years has delivered much needed relief not only to the logistics sector, which faces continuing difficult trading conditions, but also to the wider motoring public who rely on their cars to get to and from work. But independent research has shown that a 3ppl cut in duty would deliver further benefits – creating jobs, boosting GDP, and in some circumstances, delivering a net increase in tax revenues.”

Turning to skills she continued: “Skills shortages are presenting a huge challenge to the logistics sector currently which could have far-reaching effects on the UK economy. Industry is working hard to address this but Government also has a key role to play. Investment in skills training and in improvements to roadside facilities would have a significant impact on our industry, helping to make it a more attractive and aspirational career choice for young people.”

The post FTA calls on Chancellor to make fuel duty and skills shortage priority appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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