Miyerkules, Pebrero 10, 2016

Proposed design to make Fiveways in Croydon simpler and safer

TfL and Croydon Council have published a preferred option for a road improvement scheme in the area.

Transport for London have been working closely with Croydon Council and have now taken a step towards making Fiveways in Croydon simpler and safer for all road users, with a proposed design of improvement.

The proposal, which would come as part of the Mayor’s £4Bn Road Modernisation Plan, would provide a safer and more direct route for road users through the area, reducing delays and congestion.

The proposal also allows pedestrians safer and quicker access across the A23 Purley Way and improved bus journey times, delivering a better service to passengers.

Within the Croydon opportunity area, plans to build 7,300 new homes and 8,000 new jobs have led to the area being identified for improvements, to help reduce congestion and accommodate future growth by improving accessibility for all transport users.

Motorists and bus users frequently experience delays at peak times on Fiveways Corner and the junction of A23 Purley Way and A232 Stafford Road, especially on weekends when shoppers travel to and from major retail parks along the A23 Purley Way.

A consultation was held in February/March 2015, where two proposals were set out for addressing congestion and improving the area for residents, pedestrians and cyclists. A total of 81% of respondents supported or partially supported the principle of a road modernisation scheme at Fiveways.

The selected design to be progressed further ahead of a consultation this autumn would see roads widened and a new junction layout with signal controls to separate cyclists from motorised traffic.

The proposal that will be developed in more detail will include widening and upgrading the A23 Purley Way bridge that crosses the railway by Waddon station, widening Epsom Road to accommodate traffic, new cycle facilities on Epsom Road, with access to Waddon station and additional pedestrian crossings on both the A23 Purley Way and Epsom Road.

The proposal also includes the reduction of the number of arms at the Fiveways Corner junction by diverting Denning Avenue directly onto the A23, which would remove a traffic signal phase at the junction resulting in shorter wait times for traffic.

Councillor Kathy Bee, Croydon Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and the Environment, said: “Croydon’s massive economic growth means more traffic, so tackling congestion at Fiveways and improving it for all road users is key to the borough’s future. I’m pleased TfL has agreed with this council’s recommendation to widen the junction because we felt the flyover option would have had too great an impact on the local area.”

The £4Bn Road Modernisation Plan represents the biggest investment in London’s roads in a generation, including hundreds of transformational projects within the existing road network to make London’s roads greener, safer and more attractive for the benefit of all Londoners.


The post Proposed design to make Fiveways in Croydon simpler and safer appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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