Martes, Oktubre 25, 2016

Heathrow expansion approved

Committeee of Ministers approve Heathrow expansion.

A statement is expected to be made today (25 October 2015), by Transport Secretary Chris Grayling on the long awaited airport expansion, with Heathrow approved by a commttee of ministers.

Downing Street is yet to confirm the decision.

The Heathrow airport expansion has remained the majority favourite throughout, however the decision faces a potentially year-long consultation before it becomes final.

A study last year, led by Sir Howard Davies, recommended a third runway at Heathrow but other options included a new runway at Gatwick or extending one of Heathrow’s existing runways.

Sir Howard Davies said that the case for expanding Heathrow had “strengthened in recent months” and that the case was now “overwhelming”.

There are strong divisions within the government, with Theresa May telling the Commons during Prime Minister’s Questions last week that the subject had been “debated, discussed and speculated on for 40 years”.

Education Secretary Justine Greening and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson strongly oppose a Heathrow expansion.

Airlines and business groups favour expansion of Heathrow – Britain’s busiest airport- which currently operates at 98%.

Gatwick is expected to run out of space in the next few years.

Heathrow offers more direct connections than Gatwick and handles more freight.

Mrs May has given ministers “exceptional and limited” freedom to criticise the government’s final decision – although they will not be allowed to campaign against it – a move being seen as evidence a third runway at Heathrow will be backed.

Last week, Mrs May told ministers at a cabinet meeting that a decision on increasing airport capacity in the south east of England had been “delayed for too long”.

Construction is not likely to begin until 2020 or 2021, the Airports Commission has said.

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The post Heathrow expansion approved appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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