Lunes, Oktubre 17, 2016

Politicians urge May to give Heathrow the green light for runway

The Prime Minister has been urged by 50 politicians to give the go ahead for new runway at Heathrow.

A group of politicians from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland called on Theresa May to approve a third runway at Heathrow Airport, describing it as “our gateway to the world”.

The group urging the prime minister to approve Heathrow expansion includes Welsh Conservative MP and former cabinet minister Stephen Crabb, Northern Irish DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds and Welsh Labour’s Stephen Kinnock.

In a letter to Theresa May, signed by all three politicians,it argued: “Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales all have our own successful and growing airports.

“But Heathrow is our gateway to the world, bringing tourists to our attractions and helping our exporters reach new markets.

“Whether we are connected by road, rail or air, we know that connections to Heathrow are a key driver of investment decisions.

“Expanding Heathrow will create nearly four times more jobs in our three nations than other options being considered.”

However, Theresa May’s own ministers have warned her that she will be “making a huge mistake” if she supports the third runway at Heathrow, and that any attempt to allow a new runway at the west London airport will be “bogged down in legal challenges for decades.”

Conservative MP MP Zac Goldsmith has already warned Mrs May she faces losing Conservative MPs and councils if she backs Heathrow expansion.

Recently it has been claimed that the Prime Minister could announce the expansion of Heathrow, but leave the option of an expansion at Gatwick airport in the coming years.

Mrs May is set to announce a free vote on the issue, allowing ministers who oppose the project to campaign against it without having to resign.

A cabinet sub-committee are set to meet, possibly as early as this week, to look into the three options set out in last year’s Airports Commission report.

Other options are extending the airport’s existing northern runway or building a second runway at Gatwick.

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The post Politicians urge May to give Heathrow the green light for runway appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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