Lunes, Marso 27, 2017

Regeneration funding boost for over 100 housing estates

Over 100 housing estates across the country will be regenerated thanks to government funding the Communities Secretary Sajid Javid has announced.

The £32M Estate Regeneration Fund will be allocated to local authorities and housing associations across England in an effort to speed up the construction of thousands of new homes.

The fund was originally announced last year and will see 105 estates benefit from the investment.

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said: “For too long a number of housing estates across the country have been areas characterised by low-quality homes and high social deprivation.

“This government is determined to have a housing market that works for everyone. That’s why we’re turbocharging the regeneration of these rundown estates, so they can thrive as communities.”

The money will help to overcome obstacles that hold up housing projects and give local authorities access to skills to ensure high-quality regeneration.

Milton Keynes will see the regeneration of seven estates that the government say will provide thousands of new homes in the area.

Housing and Planning Minister Gavin Barwell said: “Our housing white paper set out ambitious proposals to help fix the broken housing market and to encourage good design.

“Estates regeneration must be locally-led, and this £32 million fund will help breathe new life into estates throughout the country. It will help more ordinary working people have the security of a decent place to live.”

A further £140M has also been made available by the government to encourage investment in regeneration from the private sector and boost the number of houses available across the country.

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