Biyernes, Marso 24, 2017

Scottish government outlines new digital strategy

The Scottish government has outlined its new digital strategy in an effort to boost the number of digital jobs to 150,000 by 2021.

The strategy was launched by Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Constitution, Derek Mackay, during a visit to a newly converted high-tech acceleration and growth space for aspiring businesses in Glasgow.

The plans will seek to exploit Scotland’s full digital potential by placing the digital agenda at the heart of everything it does from reforming public services to delivering economic growth.

The strategy will ensure that every property in Scotland will be able to access broadband speeds of at least 30Mbps by 2021.

Cyber security will also be a major focus of the digital strategy and will prepare people to be able to deal with, rapidly recover and learn from deliberate attacks or accidental events in the online world.

A new digital growth fund worth £36M over the next three years to develop the digital skills was announced earlier this week as part of the government’s plans.

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Constitution Derek Mackay said: “Digital is transforming the way we live. It is connecting us faster than ever before while putting more power into the hands of service users. There is a huge opportunity here and now to ensure that people, businesses and organisations across Scotland, are given the tools and skills they need to harness this potential.

“Our vision is for Scotland to become even more digitally competitive and attractive. By developing our existing workforce and increasing our digital capabilities across society and the business community, we will ensure that our citizens have the opportunity to improve their digital skills with everyone who wants to get connected able to do so, and public services designed by and for citizens that are secure. This will, in turn, will have a positive impact on growing our economy.”

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The post Scottish government outlines new digital strategy appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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