Martes, Marso 14, 2017

Why you should start using digital construction reports

Smartphones and other mobile devices has become an important part of our daily lives, with statistics has revealing that one in every three people own one. Smartphones were built so we can improve our lives, be more connected and more productive. However, not everybody (especially in construction) are using their smartphones to be more productive in their daily work. Research has shown that over 60% of construction workers are still using the traditional methods of collection data while on site. This could be down to the fact that they don’t know that these apps exist or they are not sure which features the app should have. Although these traditional methods have been working for a long time, using a mobile app on your smartphone will increase your productivity and efficiency.

Record daily construction events and generate reports.

Everyday things happen on construction sites that need to be written down or notes taken for future referencing. Today, most companies will use a construction journal or diary to record these events. The process of using paper diaries is long because the field worker writes an event then takes a long time to reach the appropriate person to be approved and in some situations get lost. By using an app to record an event, the data is synced among all team members and can easily be approved by the team leader. Therefore, using an app is the primary source for saving time on construction reports. Contractors and sub-contractors can resolve claims easily because all events recorded are time stamped.

There are several features that all construction report apps must have. Here is a list of all these key features.

  1. Report form / template

The report form is the most important feature of the app because this is what you use to record events. A very detailed report will provide you with the arsenal you need to protect yourself against claims. The form needs to be quick and easy to use with all the necessary information to fill out. Generally, the form should contain all this information but there can me more.

  1. Date and time
  2. Automatic Weather report (based on site location)
  3. Contractor name
  4. Equipment used
  5. Labours
  6. Description
  7. Take / attach photos
  1. Allocation

How much time did he take to complete that task? This question is asked at the end of every week when it’s pay day. At this point, you have no choice but to take the workers word for it and pay them. With an allocation feature, each worker records the amount of time they take each day on a particular task. This will then be approved by the site manager so there is an accurate time log.

  1. Real-time cloud synchronization

One of the key benefits of using an app is the ability to see instantaneously the reports created by the other team members. This way, field workers don’t need to go to the office to submit a report. Also, site managers have a clear overview of all the work that been is done and what issues need to be addressed.

  1. Summary reports (export)

There are many times when you will need to share information with the construction site owner or people outside the company. Having nice PDF summary of all the events recorded to send to your clients is vital. The PDF reports should be nicely presented and easy to read.

We now live in a digitalized technology driven age with the use of digital devices are so common. Construction apps are built so that you can improve your productivity. Don’t let the fear of change be the reason why you don’t try a new/better solution. You use your digital devices every day to make calls, send emails, surf the web etc. Now it’s time to use these same devices that you have and improve your work efficiency and productivity.

Article  by Khaldon Evans

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The post Why you should start using digital construction reports appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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