Martes, Hulyo 30, 2019

Demolition begins at London’s biggest regeneration project

Demolition has begun at the site of one of London’s biggest regeneration projects, costing a monumental £1Bn, that will provide approximately 5,200 new high-quality homes over the course of the next 12-15 years.

The scheme is predicted to double the amount of council rented accommodation and will include 126 new affordable homes, more than doubling the current number, with a further 71 homes planned for construction in order to be put up for private sale.

According to plans, there will be developments raised on 12 different sites within the London borough of Havering with the first of these sites being situated in Rainham, where the new Napier and New Plymouth Houses will be built.

At the same time, construction will also be underway at the Waterloo Estate in Romford and at the Serena, Solar, and Sunrise Courts in Hornchurch.

The project is a joint venture between the Havering Borough Council and Wates Residential and will hire local contractor such as Kilnbridge Construction Services and Downwell Demolition to carry out the demolition phases at the Rainham and Hornchurch sites respectively.

The Leader of Havering Council, Councillor Damian White stated: “Today marks a new and exciting chapter in the future of Havering and the Council’s commitment to double the amount of council rented accommodation and more than doubling the number of affordable homes for local people, including former residents, who will get the right to return to a brand new home.”

Site proposals for Phase One of the regeneration project were submitted to a council planning committee back in May and were followed by four ‘Meet the Buyer’ events which were held to inform local suppliers as to where opportunities in the construction process lay.

The Development Director for Wates Residential, Kate Ives added: “Working with local businesses is particularly important for us and we are delighted that Kilnbridge Construction Services has been appointed to carry out the demolition.

“As our long-term partnership with Havering Council progresses, we will continue to increase opportunities for residents and local businesses through our investment in education, training and skills.”

The project includes a guaranteed right to return for all residents who have had to be relocated from any existing estates in order for development to begin, so that they may return to their newly renovated homes if they desire.

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The post Demolition begins at London’s biggest regeneration project appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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