Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2019

Manchester Mayor reveals new transport network map

Mayor Andy Burnham has revealed a new transport network map that will integrate public transport across Manchester.

A comprehensive transport network ‘tube map’ that combines different forms of public transport has been promised by Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham. ‘Our Network’ will include a simpler ticketing system that will allow for quick changes between modes of transport, more connections, and a map designed around the city centre.

Contactless payment is due to launch on Metrolink, and a new electric bike hire scheme will be launched in 2020. Transport hubs will allow people to plan journeys based on multiple modes of transport and the Mayor called on the National Infrastructure Commission to provide funding to close the transport gap between the North and South.

Andy Burnham said: “Our current public transport system is fragmented and unreliable, with often confusing ticketing and passenger information. A truly integrated transport network has the potential to transform Greater Manchester. By allowing people to easily and quickly move around our city-region we can unlock growth, cut congestion and air pollution and enable our residents to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives.”

“An important part of this is reforming our bus market. We’ve reached a key milestone with the completion of the assessment into the future of Greater Manchester’s bus market, which recommends franchising as its preferred option and to be considered further by the GMCA. We’re the first city-region seeking to make use of the new powers under the Bus Services Act and the first to test this legislation – so are leading the way nationally in this regard.”

“Other vital parts of our integrated transport network will include more trams, a new bike hire scheme, free bus travel for 16-to-18-year olds, contactless payment on Metrolink, expanded Park and Ride, pathfinder tram-train projects and setting out our ambition for GM Rail.”

Extensions to Metrolink include 27 new trams by 2020 and an expanded Trafford Park Line. The Greater Manchester Rail prospectus sets out the ambition for the future, as well as a commitment to HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail.

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The post Manchester Mayor reveals new transport network map appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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