Lunes, Hulyo 22, 2019

House builders ordered to protect wildlife

The Communities Secretary, Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, ordered house builders to do more to protect Britain’s cherished wildlife in an announcement on Sunday 21st July 2019 which set out the government’s expectations for the protection of specific species.

The Secretary spoke on behalf of the Department of Housing, Communities, and Local Government and recommended the application of ‘hedgehog highways’ for new housing estates in addition to hollow ‘swift bricks’ which allow swifts and other birds to coexist with the new homes both during and after the building process.

Creating hedgehog highways simply involves the forming of gaps in fences so that hedgehogs can move freely throughout gardens and the wooded areas between in order to forage for food and make nests whereas swift bricks can be attached to the outer walls of buildings so that swifts can nest safely.

Secretary Brokenshire likewise placed emphasis on the necessity to produce innovative ways for allowing nature to thrive such as the creation of drainage areas which make attractive wetlands for birds and amphibians to live alongside housing developments.

And finally, he called for developers to plant more trees and green meadows as a means of giving important insects such as British honeybees a safe haven to thrive.

Specifically, he stated: “Building the new homes this country needs must not come at the detriment of our natural heritage.

“It’s right that as we deliver houses for people, we must also provide homes for wildlife too – whether that’s for hedgehogs, frogs, newts or birds.

“The public have told us that protecting wildlife is important to them, so my message to house builders is to harness this support and get building in a way that protects the environment for the next generation.”

The announcement comes after a significant degree of interest was raised in regard to the protection of Britain’s much loved animals, with one petition receiving support from more than half a million people.

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The post House builders ordered to protect wildlife appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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