Martes, Oktubre 1, 2019

Transport Secretary makes pledges at Conservative Party Conference

At yesterday’s Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, the Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps, made a lengthy speech regarding infrastructure improvements and environmental targets, specify spending amounts and clarifying his priorities for government spending.

The Transport Secretary specifically stated: “We are driving the modernisation of our country’s infrastructure. As is evident here in the North West. From improving the M60 here in Manchester to tackling congestion and unlocking new homes in Preston. And in the North-East, I know how Ben Houchen is working hard to deliver a new Tees crossing.

“Across the country, our road building plan will reduce journey times, drive local growth and cut carbon emissions. We are also improving local bus links and today we are setting out our £220M package to improve services.

“When it comes to railways, I could try to impress with the record amount we are investing, that is £48Bn over five years, whilst pushing ahead with Northern Powerhouse Rail. But, as a frustrated commuter myself, I know what passengers really want is for the trains to simply run on time. It is why one of my first acts as in this job was to prioritise punctuality.”

Secretary Shapps continued to say: “As we improve our infrastructure, we must protect our planet. As Conservatives, we know the route to sustainable living is through stronger environmental protection, new technology and the market. Consider the acceleration in electric car use, for example.

“As you may know, we have already committed to ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2040. However, if we’re to become the world-leader in green technology, we must always be looking to expand our ambitions.

“I would therefore like to see government look again at the 2040 target, and thoroughly explore the case for bringing this date forward. The Government’s advisory Committee on Climate Change has said 2035 is a date for which we should aim.”

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The post Transport Secretary makes pledges at Conservative Party Conference appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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