Miyerkules, Hunyo 3, 2020

Application for New Suffolk Power Plant

An application for a new nuclear power plant in Suffolk has been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.

If the planning permission is approved, the construction of the plant would create 25,000 jobs and 1,000 apprenticeships. Sizewell C could also supply power to around six million homes, and, is a near-replica of Hinkley Point C in Somerset.

The development consent order (DCO) submission follows on from four rounds of public consultation in 2012 and was deferred two months ago due to COVID-19. Extra measures will also be in place to allow local communities to look at the plans, which include an extension of the pre-examination period.

Humphrey Cadoux-Hudson CBE, managing director of Sizewell C, said: “Sizewell C is a net zero infrastructure project ready to kick-start the economy following the coronavirus crisis.

“It will offer thousands of high-quality job opportunities and long-term employment for people living in Suffolk and it will strengthen the nuclear supply chain across the country. On top of the economic benefits, Sizewell C will avoid nine million tonnes of CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere each year. The project will play a key role in lowering emissions while helping the UK keep control of its low carbon future.”

70% of the construction value of the Sizewell C scheme will be spent with firms throughout the UK, including in the East of England, Wales, and the North, once operational, the plant will employ around 900 workers.

John Dugmore, chief executive of the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, added: “Sizewell C’s DCO application is momentous for businesses and residents in Suffolk. It will boost training and employment opportunities across the county and attract investment to regenerate rural areas and towns.”

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The post Application for New Suffolk Power Plant appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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