Martes, Hunyo 2, 2020

Webinars Get Message Across for CICV Forum

Following the success of their first webinar, the Construction Industry Coronavirus Forum (CICV) is staging a follow-up event tomorrow, Wednesday 3 June. The CICV also hopes to continue their roll-out of informative discussions as the construction sector begins its long-awaited return to work.

The latest webinar will take place tomorrow, Wed 3 June, and will be on the important subjects of cashflow and contracts. It will feature a host of industry experts including:

  • Consultant Lee Bunton
  • Ian Honeyman of the Scottish Building Federation, and
  • Gus Pearson of Fortis Contracts.

The webinar follows the inaugural event last Wednesday (27 May, when Rebecca Crosland, Health and Safety Advisor at the Building Engineering Services Association, and CICV Forum member, chaired a lively discussion on Health and Safety.

At a time when the industry is gearing up to restart site activity, 136 attendees from throughout the sector signed up to the webinar and took part, which is a particularly promising start for these events.

Rebecca Crosland said: “This was a tremendous response and it clearly demonstrates that there is a hunger out there for clear, concise information which is particularly relevant to the strange times in which we find ourselves.

“I am sure this week’s webinar will be every bit as successful. Cashflow is a matter of primary importance to every company in the industry and the webinar looks as if it will be a welcome new way of imparting information widely and efficiently.”

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Forum has been proactive in providing clarity and guidance for companies, as well as individuals, at a time when messages from Governments have sometimes been conflicting, confusing and contradictory.

It provided clear guidance on how to operate when the sector was confined to emergency work and, now that a return to work has been announced (28 May), it has enhanced and expanded Scottish Government guidance in a comprehensive 42-page underpinning document.

Ian Honeyman said: “The Forum was set up to respond to the biggest crisis any of us have ever experienced and it has responded with professionalism, dedication and a clear and firm purpose.

“The webinars are another example of innovative thinking and the collective ability to respond positively to a crisis. There is a great lesson here for the whole sector as we try to rebuild our badly-damaged economy.”

The webinar on Wednesday 3 June at 10am is open to anyone. Register here

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The post Webinars Get Message Across for CICV Forum appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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