Huwebes, Hunyo 18, 2020

Businesses Push for Green Recovery

As the construction industry is beginning to look to the future, and a post COVID-19 world, it is looking more and more likely that the real focus will be place on sustainability performance of individual buildings, communities and infrastructure projects.

Last week, June 1st, 2020, more than 200 businesses, investors and business networks in the UK signed an open letter which offered support to the UK Government in tackling the present health crisis and urged PM Boris Johnson to provide a clear vision for the recovery effort which align with the UK’s wider social, environmental and climate goals.

The letter was signed by 207 businesses, investors and business networks, including a large number of construction firms. The letter states:  “With the UK facing major economic and social concerns including the risk of high unemployment and rising regional inequality, we believe that an ambitious low carbon growth and environmental improvement agenda can do a lot to address these concerns, as well as make the UK economy better prepared to deal with future shocks such as those related to climate change.

‘The current crisis, in moving us all away from business-as-usual, has already created shifts in how we operate, and we believe we must use the recovery to accelerate the transition to net zero. Efforts to rescue and repair the economy in response to the current crisis can and should be aligned with the UK’s legislated target of net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.”

UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has said that a ‘green’ recovery is to be vital to help the UK come back from the economic downturn which has been caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Mr Johnson’s environmental agenda is expected to be tied to a major speech, expected at the end of June, where he will reset the Government’s agenda with a financial statement to prepare the UK for the new reality for a post COVID-19 world.

With big business, Government and public opinion new apprearing to be firmly behind a green revolutions, now is the time for the entire construction industry to begin work on a strategy and process in order to strive for ‘Excellent’ BREEAM, CEEQUAL and CSH ratings.

If you would like to read more like this, then please click here

The post Businesses Push for Green Recovery appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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