Huwebes, Disyembre 3, 2015

CDM regs in firing line of red tape review

CDM regulations 2015 could be reviewed as the government has launched the ‘Cutting Red Tape’ consultation programme to allow companies to have their say on how “unnecessary barriers” can be removed.

The CDM regulations were overhauled in April this year with the Principal Designer and Principal Contractor taking over the duties of the now defunct role of CDM coordinator. There was also a shift in emphasis on responsibility with clients accountable for the people they employed to deal with health and safety.

The government want input from businesses, trade associations and anybody else an interest within the industry.

With the government,  keen to make good on its commitment to build more homes, housebuilding will come under scrutiny as barriers preventing growth and productivity are identified.

The review says it will save home builders and council around £100M by reducing hundreds of locally applied standards to just five national standards.

The programme will “examine any aspects of regulation or the way it is implemented which could be made simpler, more cost-effective, efficient, proportionate, or consistent.”

Business Secretary Sajid Javid said: “This review will give housebuilders and smaller construction businesses a powerful voice as part of our £10bn deregulation drive. Where rules are too complicated, ineffective or poorly enforced, I want to hear about it and the government will take action. Together we can cut red tape and get Britain building.”

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis said: “We are determined to remove barriers faced by housebuilders to ensure we continue to keep Britain building as quickly and safely as possible.

“We want to hear the views of firms big and small so we can remove unnecessary red tape and help housebuilders do what they do best, building the homes we need.”

Stewart Baseley, Executive Chairman of the Home Builders Federation commented: “As the industry looks to drive further increases in housing supply we welcome moves to reduce unnecessary regulation and the associated costs.

“Aside from the planning system there are significant other regulatory processes and charges levied on the industry that can adversely affect viability, but also, critically, delay the ability of home builders to get on site and start building.

“Reducing red tape will bring more sites into play more quickly and so help the industry deliver more desperately needed homes in the coming years.”

The review closes for comment on 13th January 2016.


The post CDM regs in firing line of red tape review appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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