Biyernes, Oktubre 28, 2016

Video: First fully interactive 3D digital model of London

VUCITY is the first fully interactive 3D digital model of London and was showcased at construction expo London Build this week.

Originally launched last year, the model has since doubled in size and now visualises more than 200sq/km of London in 3D. The rate of growth has seen the model expand at a rate of five to eight square kilometres a month.

VUCITY is a joint venture between 3D modellers Vertex Modelling, Wagstaffs and GIA.

So far, VUCITY has secured buy-in from the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Kingston and Southwark. Clients such as developers and chartered surveyors are also using the model.

VUCITY provides the opportunity to future proof the city in terms of property and land development for users such as London’s planners, architects and councils.

The 3D model allows for the overlaying of GIS data sightlines, LVMFs, transport and sunlight paths, to help developers understand plans in context.

Other data overlays include demographics, traffic and pedestrian modelling.

The model is updated every six months to make sure the information is up-to-date.

Users can turn proposed, existing and consented buildings on and off, zooming from a macro overview of the city, right down to the micro detail of one building.

During the scoping stage, VUCITY can be used to determine which verified views to assess. All LVMF viewing corridors and points are pre-plotted, allowing users to interactively decide if a scheme is visible from a certain point.

VUCITY provides a more detailed scoping process with a local authority, cutting the time and expense for scoping and the production of AVRs.

Jason Hawthorne, MD, Wagstaffs, said: “VUCITY has already secured buy-in from a number of London Boroughs and developers, as well as interest from other cities and abroad. It offers planners and property developers access to a detailed and extensive view of London which allows users to see proposed developments in context and integrate data at the click of a button.

“We are genuinely excited about the solutions VUCITY will help to provide and the new level of future-proofing it offers for the built environment.”

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The post Video: First fully interactive 3D digital model of London appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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