Miyerkules, Marso 1, 2017

Shortlist down to three to bid on East Midlands rail franchise

The Department of Transport has narrowed the shortlist of train operating companies for the East Midlands franchise down to the final three.

Arriva Rail East Midlands Limited, First Trenitalia East Midlands Rail Limited and Stagecoach East Midlands Trains Limited made the cut and will now bid to run rail passenger services from November 2018.

The bidders will submit plans to show how they will deliver the enhancements for passengers with the bids then evaluated submitted to determine passenger benefits, deliverability, and value for money.

It is hoped the new franchise will stimulate economic growth in the region through improved connections.

The Department of Transport hope to improve the quality, frequency and punctuality of journeys in an effort to develop new services and connections.

Rail Minister Paul Maynard said: “A flourishing rail network brings real growth and prosperity to the region it serves. That is why we are making the biggest investment in the national rail network in more than 100 years to deliver the safer, faster and more comfortable journeys that passengers want.

“At the same time, Network Rail is working on improvements which by 2019 will enable the next East Midlands franchise to deliver more carriages and faster journeys over the whole route, including almost twice as many seats into London St Pancras in the peak hours.

“I am delighted that all these first-class companies have demonstrated their confidence in our vision for the future of the rail industry in Great Britain by bidding for this key franchise.”

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The post Shortlist down to three to bid on East Midlands rail franchise appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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