Martes, Nobyembre 8, 2016

£4Bn to support Britain’s forces and their families

Most significant changes to defence land since Second World War as 91 sites go up for sale to create better defence estate for UK.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has announced that over £4Bn will be invested though the “Better Defence Estate” strategy, a review of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), which aims to deliver a more efficient, modern and capability-focused defence estate.

The money will support Britain’s modern forces and their families, creating areas of military expertise in specific locations across the country.

A total of 91 sites owned or managed by the MOD will go up for sale, with each penny raised to be reinvested back into defence.

Eight of the sites that will be sold are in Scotland, including Fort George, an 18th century fort which currently accommodates soldiers from the black watch and was used for personnel training for the D-day landings during the Second World War.

Three will also close in Wales and three in Northern Ireland, with the rest in England, including two barracks in York. More than 32,500 acres of excess defence land is being released, including ten surplus airfields and five golf courses.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said: “We have been spending billions maintaining a defence estate that doesn’t meet the needs of our Armed Forces. This plan delivers an estate fit for our forces and their families. By putting money where it is needed, we will provide better facilities to train our Armed Forces and deliver more stability for military families.”

The changes will reduce the number of personnel being regularly moved between different bases providing greater long-term stability and certainty for our Armed Forces and their families.

The moving of sites and bases to better locations will mean increased employment prospects for partners and spouses, helping them to settle into communities, buy their own homes and have their children benefit from more stable schooling.

The Better Defence Estates strategy will reduce the size of the built estate by 30 per cent by 2040 and will meet our SDSR commitment.

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