Huwebes, Nobyembre 17, 2016

Constructing a safe environment for lone workers

The UK has over six million people working in isolation or without direct supervision across a wide range of industry sectors. One sector with a large number of lone workers is the construction industry, which, according to a survey of safety representatives by the TUC in 2008 was one of six main sectors where working alone presents a major hazard[1]. People employed in the construction industry will often find themselves working alone in potentially hazardous environments and often whilst using dangerous equipment.

Construction workers face a number of potential risks from working alone, often at unfamiliar locations during different times of the day or night. These risks can be varied, from the risk of facing violence or aggression from intruders, to occupational hazards such as trips, falls and injuries.

For employers in the construction sector, it is vitally important to ensure the safety of their lone workers, especially in the light of guidelines relating to health and safety, food and corporate manslaughter issued by the Sentencing Council last year. Under these guidelines, employers who breach their duty of care towards employees and non-employees face significantly larger fines if sentenced on or after the 1st February 2016, regardless of when the offence was committed. Fines for serious breaches used to run to several hundred thousand pounds typically, but under the guidelines issued in 2015, these can start at a fine of several million pounds for a large organisation found to be highly culpable in a harm category 1 incident.

There is a legal obligation for companies operating in the construction industry to keep their lone workers safe. Employers should:

  • Understand legal responsibilities as an employer
  • Ensure a risk assessment is carried out and strategies implemented to provide a safe working environment for lone workers
  • Ensure that the lone worker has the relevant resources, training and information to work on their own safely
  • Have procedures to deal with a lone worker having an accident or signalling an emergency

A particularly effective way of mitigating the risks faced by a lone worker is through the use of a lone worker device or application. An effective lone worker device provides the employee with both the means to summon aid in the event of an emergency and collect information that can be used as evidence should an incident occur.

Devices are connected to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), which receives and manages the alarm call and can quickly request emergency services or other responses if required. Workers can also send a pre-activation message to the ARC, which will notify them that the user is about to enter an area with a potential risk. Activation of the device automatically triggers a voice call to the ARC, allowing operators to monitor the audio channel in real time, assess the situation and alert the police if the user needs help or protection.

When selecting a lone worker device, it is important for employers to be aware of the essential British Standard BS8484 which is a Code of Practice for the provision of Lone Worker Services that is employed and adhered to by all credible suppliers in the industry. It also forms the basis on which Police respond to lone worker systems, so it is essential that the chosen device is provided by a supplier who is audited and certified to BS8484.

BSIA members have been offering high quality lone worker services to a wide range of sectors, including the construction industry.

Sourcing a supplier

Ultimately, the most important factor in choosing any security product or service is that you are choosing from a reputable supplier that meets with the relevant British and European standards. BSIA members are inspected to the highest standards and offer a reputable service. To find a BSIA member near you, please visit:



The post Constructing a safe environment for lone workers appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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