Miyerkules, Nobyembre 30, 2016

Troops undergo training for flood assistance

With winter upon us once again and Storm Angus already wreaking havoc across Bristol and the south west, some 1,200 troops are being trained to provide assistance to flooded areas.

Across December, January and February, three battalions will be on 24 hour standby to provide support to flooded communities, such as erecting temporary flood barriers, providing engineering and logistics support, as well as evacuation assistance in emergencies.

Two Wiltshire based battalions, 5th Battalion the Rifles and The King’s Royal Hussars, have undertaken the flood defence training with the Environment Agency as part of the Government’s drive for winter preparedness.

Training exercises have been carried out throughout the year to ensure the troops are fully prepared to help effected communities and reduce the impact of flooding across the UK.

As part of the Government’s drive for winter preparedness, the Ministry of Defence has also reviewed the way that the military supports authorities such as the Environment Agency, and made this process easier to make sure they can be mobilised more quickly to support partner agencies in case of emergencies.

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