Biyernes, Nobyembre 25, 2016

Video: Japanese efficiency – timelapse of sinkhole repair released

UK Construction Online recently covered a story of giant 30-metre sinkhole that opened up in the Japanese city of Fukuaka was repaired within 48 hours.

A timelapse video has been released showing the incredible efficiency and coordination that went into the repair work.

The footage shows excavators, cranes and people working both day and night to minimise disruption to the city’s busy downtown intersection.

Emergency repairs to the 15 metre deep hole included work on sewage pipes, utility poles and traffic management systems.

The hole ,which began as two smaller ones before collapsing into a larger cavity, was filled with 6,200 cubic metres of sand and cement.

Thankfully, no injuries were reported in the incident although support columns of nearby buildings were exposed sparking fears that the structures could fall.

The mayor of Fukuoka, Soichiro Takashima, issued a statement apologising for the “great trouble” the sinkhole had created.

He thanked the workers for their incredibly speedy work and said the road was 30 times stronger than it was before the sinkhole appeared.

Following, extensive safety checks, the intersection was reopened seven days later.

Work on extending a local subway station line is thought to be reason for the sinkhole’s appearance but a full inquiry has been launched to determine the full facts.

The Mayor said: “From now on I will do my utmost to investigate the cause and compensate for the damage.”

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The post Video: Japanese efficiency – timelapse of sinkhole repair released appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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