Miyerkules, Pebrero 22, 2017

EU countries not ready for smart buildings revolution

European Union member states are unprepared to fully embrace the benefits of the smart building revolution according to a study published by the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE).

The report ‘Is Europe ready for the smart building revolution?’ says the move towards smart buildings is imperative if the international agreement on climate change to limit global warming to below 2ยบ is to be met.

The analysis considered a number of features such as dynamic operability, energy-system responsiveness, renewable energy uptake as well as dynamic and self-learning control systems to gauge how well prepared Europe for the rising numbers of smart buildings.

The study found that there was insufficient “smart infrastructure” in place across the EU, with only three countries, Sweden, Finland and Italy completing their rollout of smart meters.

Around five million smart meters have been installed in the UK to date, with the full national roll out expected to get underway this September.

EU countries not ready for smart buildings revolution1

BPIE suggest more could be done through more effective EU legislation to give the electricity market more flexibility in terms of pricing, empowering customers and increasing renewable energy production, self-consumption and storage.

The study argues that current EU policy doesn’t go far enough to overcome the barriers holding back the advancement of smart buildings.

Once these issues are resolved, smart buildings will be able to play key role in reducing energy consumption, providing benefits to both the environment and the consumer.

Oliver Rapf, Executive Director of BPIE, said: “As consumers are at the centre of the EU’s legislation for a low-carbon, healthier and more comfortable building stock, they should be empowered to take control over their energy consumption and production.

“Smart and efficient buildings can deliver direct benefits for citizens in terms of lower energy bills and more comfortable homes, and wider benefits for the European economy triggering innovation and creating new job opportunities.”

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The post EU countries not ready for smart buildings revolution appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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