Martes, Pebrero 7, 2017

Transformational Areas in Glasgow

Major regeneration project for Glasgow that will provide “improved infrastructure and housing and first class facilities for the city’s residents”.

A major initiative, launched by the Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) begun in 2010, which identified eight key areas in Glasgow that would become “Transformational Regeneration Areas”. The areas will focus on building a mix of affordable houses, both to rent and buy, training and job opportunities for local people, and creating lasting change.

The eight Transformational Regeneration Areas are East Govan / Ibrox, Gallowgate, Laurieston, Maryhill, North Toryglen, Red Road, Sighthill and Shawbridge.

Social landlords are working alongside the joint strategic group.

The regeneration of Maryhill is focused on building a mix of affordable houses, to both rent and to buy, and creating attractive, popular and sustainable neighbourhoods. There will also be a new school campus, providing new sports and community facilities.

Phase one of the regeneration of Sighthill saw undertaking of enabling and environmental remediation works, which replaced the poor quality housing and facilities that previously dominated the area. Hundreds more new high quality development plots will come in the following phases, as well as a new education community campus, including additional support for learning, sports facilities, a new church and alternative use site for which options are being considered.

Maryhill Locks has now over 800 new homes taking shape, along with shops, cafes, businesses and community facilities forming part of the new canal-side village within the city of Glasgow.

In September 2016, Glasgow City Council finalised plans for the new public square within the heart of the 50ha TRA masterplan within the Sighthill Transformational Regeneration Area. The facility will incorporate specialist and mainstream primary schools, an early years space, youth centre and community hall.

The building will also include a four court sports hall with an all-weather pitch and associated landscaping and car parking outside.

In their design statement, the council’s development & regeneration services said: “The two-storey campus building is positioned toward the southeast corner of the site and is split into three distinct ‘wings’: a school wing, nursery wing and community wing. The use of shared and flexible spaces within the design allows each element to operate independently while allowing a degree of integration when required.”

Engineering, environmental and design consultancy Sweco, will be leading on the design and consultancy engineering integration services supporting the delivery of the second phase of the project, which focuses on the construction of infrastructure at the site. They will provide design integration support for new roads, transport and sustainable drainage the design of utilities, development of a new foul drainage and serviceable development platforms.

Sweco will be working closely working closely with Glasgow City Council and Gardiner+Theobald.

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The post Transformational Areas in Glasgow appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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