Martes, Pebrero 21, 2017

South Glasgow to benefit from potential £34M housing funding package

Govanhill in south Glasgow set to benefit from funding package for housing from Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council.

The Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council have unveiled a funding package, which will improve housing with new builds, repairs and better property management in the area.

The Scottish Government has pledged £20M towards a four-year programme that aims to acquire up to 350 homes in the area, and bring them into the social and rented sector to allow for repairs and improvements.

A decision is soon to be made by Glasgow Council’s Executive Committee, which will see the council investing an additional £14M in the programme. The Govanhill Housing Association will assume ownership of the homes in an effort to improve prope4rty management in the area.

The South-West Govanhill Property Acquisition and Repair Programme, a pilot scheme which targets four blocks in which many of the flats had fallen into disrepair, will benefit from the investment. With an original target of 80, a total of 124 flats have been brought into housing association ownership so that vital repairs can be carried out.

Kevin Stuart, Minister for Local Government and Housing scheme, said: “It’s clear that more work needs to be done in this area, and that is why I’m delighted that we’re able to invest £20M to support a wider programme of improvements across the Govanhill area. By working together with Glasgow City Council and Govanhill Housing Association we can continue to make real improvements to the lives of the people who live here.”

Councillor Frank McAveety, Leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “This is a huge investment package and demonstrates the council’s long term commitment to Govanhill. The council has been working extremely hard alongside our partners to deliver lasting change to Govanhill.

“In our view transforming how the area’s housing is managed is the foundation for a long-term improvement in Govanhill. The impact of council-inspired initiatives such as the Acquisition Programme and the Enhanced Enforcement Area is now being felt and we are seeing real signs of progress in Govanhill.”

The four-year funding commitment works with local people, involving them in the programme to ensure it achieves its aims which are better living conditions in the area, reduced overcrowding and more effective property management and maintenance.

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The post South Glasgow to benefit from potential £34M housing funding package appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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