Miyerkules, Pebrero 8, 2017

Northumberland College launches new Apprenticeship Academy

New Apprenticeship Academy launched at Northumberland Academy, welcoming 1,000th apprentice.

Northumberland College has recently launched a new Apprenticeship Academy, which will see focus on meeting the needs of Apprentices and their employers. The college is also celebrating its 1,000th Apprentice.

The new Apprenticeship Academy will see Apprenticeship Support Officers and Assessors for all subjects collaborating more closely.

Northumberland College offers over 40 different Apprenticeships at Level 2, 3 and 4.

With over £10M invested in modern learning faciltiies by the college, it can meet multiple skill needs and has the largest variety in apprenticeship subjects in the region.

The North East Local Enterprise Partnership has recently provided £2.5M of funding for a science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) centre, which will open later this year.

Susan Goldstein, Director of the Apprenticeship Academy said: “Apprenticeships offer a fantastic opportunity for employers to recruit and further develop staff with the skills and expertise needed for their organisation’s success.

“For individuals, regardless of their age or background, apprenticeships offer access to structured industry-standard learning and qualifications. Successful apprenticeships are delivered by a robust and cohesive partnership between employer, apprentice and the College. The Apprenticeship Academy will ensure that each partner is clear about their responsibilities and opportunities within this process. Our aim is to support as many Apprentices as we can in achieving their career and educational goals and at the same time help employers to meet current and future skills needs.”

The college has recently welcomes its 1,000th apprentice, April Halligan. April, aged 18 from Fenham, Newcastle, is a Bricklaying Apprentice with Newcastle City Council.

When asked about her apprenticeship, she said: “The programme has provided an excellent opportunity, opening new doors to my career. I’ve improved my skills and experienced different workplaces including maintenance and building sites. I’m a lot closer to my goal of becoming a qualified brick layer and gaining full-time employment thanks to this experience and the support from Northumberland College.”

National figures show that for every £1 of government investment in Level 2 or 3 apprenticeships, there is typically a return of £26 to £28 and that someone with a Higher Apprentice (Level 4) could earn £150,000 more on average over their lifetime.

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