Biyernes, Setyembre 25, 2015

British business still split on EU decision

The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) has said the UK vote on whether to stay in the European Union is “still up for grabs”.

In a BCC survey, half of those businesses polled said they would be willing to reconsider their decision on EU membership should the Prime Minister secure strong concessions for the UK.

The survey revealed that of the 2,000 businesses polled, 63% said they would vote to remain within the EU should the referendum be held now, with 27% stating they would want to exit and 10% unsure.

40% felt that that leaving the EU would have no impact on the growth of their business, with the same percentage believing the Brexit would have a negative effect on their growth potential, with only 14% saying leaving would be beneficial.

Only 31% of businesses say they are familiar with the PM’s renegotiation package, with those who are not at all familiar standing at 30%.

John Longworth, the BCC’s director general, said: “Many assume that the EU referendum is a simple in-out debate where both camps are firmly entrenched in their positions, but this survey shows that business people want more information and greater clarity, and for now at least their vote is still up for grabs.

“With half keeping their options open before making up their mind on how to vote, business’s top concerns need to be at the top of Downing Street’s negotiation agenda.”

Business people are demanding a real shift in the balance of power between the UK and Brussels in any deal. Clear safeguards for the UK, and greater decision-making here at home, are at the top of their priority list.”

Business leaders are following the EU debate closely with 51% of respondents saying they read about it at least weekly, and 26% at least every fortnight.

It would appear that most businesses consider themselves familiar with the implications of the referendum, with 72% saying they understood the impact on their business and 69% understanding the implications for the UK.

The post British business still split on EU decision appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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