Martes, Setyembre 22, 2015

CBI warn UK companies could be left behind in ‘green economy’

The CBI Director-General, John Cridland, has issued a warning that unless the government provide confidence and clarity to businesses in the renewables sector, companies risk losing out on billions of pounds in the export market.

Mr Cridland criticised the government for sending ‘mixed messages’ to those businesses looking to take advantage of the UK’s skills and expertise in the ‘green economy’.

The government announced in the summer it would be looking to axe renewable energy subsidies for smaller solar power farms in a move aimed at preventing spiralling bills for customers.

Speaking July, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Amber Rudd said: “Our support has driven down the cost of renewable energy significantly. As costs continue to fall it becomes easier for parts of the renewables industry to survive without subsidies. We’re taking action to protect consumers, whilst protecting existing investment.

“We can’t have a situation where industry has a blank cheque, and that cheque is paid for by people’s bills.”

Speaking at an event organised by the environmental think tank, Green Alliance, Mr Cridland said: “Business must be – and wants to be – part of the solution to tackling the global challenge of climate change.

“The green economy is an emerging market in its own right, brimming with opportunity, and the UK has built up real credibility on climate leadership and low carbon investment. Yet, with the roll-back of renewables policies and the mixed messages on energy efficiency, the government risks sending a worrying signal to businesses.

“We need all countries to pull in the same direction at the Paris Summit to give firms the certainty and confidence they need to invest in the green economy for the long run. Politicians and negotiators should be confident that business is behind them in securing a lasting climate deal.”

The post CBI warn UK companies could be left behind in ‘green economy’ appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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