Miyerkules, Setyembre 23, 2015

Grandfather rights guarantee for solar in Scotland

Scotland supports solar energy

Contrary to the Department of Energy and Climate Change proposal for England and Wales, the Scottish Government has announced it will retain the ‘grandfathering’ guarantee for solar under the Renewables Obligation.

Grandfathering is the guarantee that the level of support provided per unit of electricity will not change throughout the lifetime of a solar installation once it has been built and connected, and once the investment has been made.

Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said: “The consultation published by the Department of Energy and Climate Change on 22 July 2015 in relation to closing the Renewables Obligation to solar PV projects below 5MW from 1 April 2016 was done so on the basis that the proposal would apply in Scotland. The Scottish Government were not consulted on this matter prior to the consultation being published. I have written to the Secretary of State to express my concern about the impact of the proposal and disappointment at the UK Government’s failure to consult.

“As is the case for the wider renewables industry, developers of solar projects need clarity and certainty on the policy environment in order to attract funding and reach financial close.

“To maintain a consistent policy framework until the Renewables Obligation closes, the Scottish Government are retaining the current policy on grandfathering and support levels for solar PV projects in Scotland.”

John Forster, Chairman of Solar Trade Association Scotland (STA Scotland), commented: “This shows that the Scottish Government is fully committed to solar providing as much as possible of its 100% renewables target for Scotland.

“Solar projects in Scotland now know what level of support they are going to get, and that they will get it for the full 20 years. It won’t be possible to cut support for Scottish projects down the line in, for example, year 15 of 20.

“We particularly appreciate how Minister Ewing has moved as quickly as possible in making this decision, allowing solar businesses to plan ahead and focus their efforts on any Scottish projects in the pipeline.”

The Solar Trade Association is calling for the Department of Energy and Climate Change to re-consider its proposal to remove this guarantee in England and Wales, which would be a serious blow to investor confidence.


The post Grandfather rights guarantee for solar in Scotland appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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