Miyerkules, Setyembre 30, 2015

Construction industry to receive housing boost

Figures released today in the New Home Statistics review by the NHBC show an increase of 11% in the number of new homes registered.

Following last year’s low building statistics, this news will come as welcome relief, giving a boost to the sector, with strong indications of a continued rise.

Simon Hay, CEO of the Brick Development Association comments: “After a difficult few years for brick manufacturers in the UK it is heartening to see how quickly and how dramatically they have increased production to meet demand [and contribute to the rise in housebuilding].”

Hay continues: “It is also fantastic to see this vibrant and forward-thinking industry prepared to invest in re-opening mothballed plants and the recent news of an entirely new plant further demonstrates the brick manufacturers’ readiness to respond to the increase in housebuilding volume.”

Housebuilding is being shown to be a crucial factor within the industry at the moment, following on from Housing Minister, Brandon Lewis’ promise to build 1m homes by 2020, bridging the gap in recent years between houses built and houses required.

Jeremy Corbyn, The new leader of the opposition, also highlighted the importance of new house builds in his speech at the party conference, where he promised a ‘very large, very active’ scheme to make up for shortfalls in housing.

“The re-openings and development of new brick plants is an incredibly positive sign in the revitalisation of the housebuilding sector”, Hay added. “When the volume of new housebuilding starts to grow closer to the 200,000 a year target the brick industry will satisfy demand.”

The post Construction industry to receive housing boost appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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