Miyerkules, Oktubre 14, 2015

Apprenticeship numbers at record high

The government has today released statistics that show that the number of people doing apprenticeships is at its highest ever figure, with strong growth also seen in the number of higher apprenticeships.

During the 2014 to 2015 academic school year, more than 872,000 people were employed on government-funded apprenticeships, with nearly 30,000 people working towards attaining highly valued skills via higher and degree apprenticeships.

The government has stated its commitment to building on the figures and vowed to launch more degree apprenticeships that mix a high quality degree with an apprenticeship.

It is hoped that reforms will ensure that every large business makes a contribution in terms of increasing the quality of apprenticeships offered and developing the next generation of skilled employees.

The reforms include the introduction of an apprenticeship levy to provide greater investment in apprenticeships, protecting the use of the term ‘apprenticeship’ in law and ensuring large value government procurement contracts have a commitment to hire apprentices.

According to government statistics, for every one pound invested in apprenticeships by the government, £26 to £28 is returned to the economy.

The provisional data also shows that 19,200 began a traineeship course in the last academic year. These courses provide experience and work skills that can progress to an apprenticeship or employment.

Skills Minister Nick Boles said: “Our apprenticeship reforms are helping to build the modern highly skilled workforce British businesses need. We are committed to delivering 3 million apprenticeships by 2020 because that means more opportunities for our young people, more growth for our businesses.

“Through protecting apprenticeship quality, reforming funding and working with top universities to launch new degree apprenticeships, we are making sure apprenticeships deliver for individuals, businesses and the economy.”

The government has made a commitment of delivering 3 million apprenticeships by 2020.

The post Apprenticeship numbers at record high appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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