Miyerkules, Oktubre 21, 2015

PRAISE for TfL as road safety scheme is recognised

A rigorous safety initiative, spearheaded by Transport for London (TfL), has been recognised as outstanding by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC).

The ‘Preventing Road Accidents and Injuries for the Safety of Employees’ (PRAISE) accolade was awarded to TfL in recognition of the Organisation’s unwavering commitment to improving driving performance internally and throughout its entire supply chain.

All drivers working for or on behalf of TfL must now undertake vital safety measures. The stringent requirements of such best practice initiatives as the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) have proven invaluable to improving road safety city-wide. TfL’s directly employed drivers now require this accreditation, while Work Related Road Risk (WRRR) conditions have been built into all TfL contracts. Any business failing to adhere to the clauses agreed risks termination.

Ian Wainwright, Head of Freight and Fleet at TfL, said: “Road safety is a shared responsibility. We help others improve their road safety, but it is vital we lead the way. That’s why we are so pleased to be recognised at a European level for this comprehensive work. We are committed to improving the safety of our own fleet and every driver working on our behalf. The methods we have used are transferable. Any business or organisation can help us all have safer roads.”

Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director of European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), said: “Road safety is everyone’s business. But organisations, large and small, have a pivotal role to play by putting road safety considerations at the heart of their operations. The companies and organisations we have recognised are driving the change with initiatives that reduce collisions, prevent injuries and also help the bottom line.”

The ETSC also acknowledged the valuable contributions of FORS and the Construction Logistics and Cycle Safety (CLOCS) programme.

TfL is now encouraging other organisations to scrutinise their processes and use their buying power to improve road safety for all.

The post PRAISE for TfL as road safety scheme is recognised appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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