Martes, Oktubre 13, 2015

Reaction to latest ONS construction output figures

The Vinden Partnership react to the latest construction output figures.

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has released its latest figures, which show construction industry output fell by 4.3% in August in comparison with July.

Experts had expected to see a 1% rise.

The figure is also down 1.3% on the same period last year, and represents the first year on year fall since May 2013.

Housing output fell by 3%, with both private and public new housing falling by 1.6% and 9.9% respectively. Compared with August 2014, new housing was down 5.8%, with public housing decreasing dramatically by 28.9%.

Martin Bennett, Regional Director at The Vinden Partnership, says the figures are a warning to the government that the skills shortage could potentially stifle growth in the construction industry.

Mr Bennett said: “It seems with the release of any figures related to the construction industry, the skill shortage is an issue that is not simply going to go away. The government needs to do all it can to keep the construction sector moving by providing long-term investment and strategy.

“Without it, the government may find its own high profile infrastructure projects and its commitment to housing coming under severe threat.”

The post Reaction to latest ONS construction output figures appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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