Huwebes, Oktubre 15, 2015

Suppliers sought for £113M Aston University redevelopment programme

Constructionline are inviting Birmingham contractors to meet with procurement decision makers at Aston University to hear about its forthcoming £113M redevelopment programme to take place over the next six years.

The schemes will include new builds and demolitions as well as major refurbishments and will vary in value from £25,000 to £20M.

The University is looking to create an approved list of suppliers for its main construction contractors.

A Supplier Engagement Day will be held on 21 October at Aston University’s Main Building and will be hosted by Constructionline. It will give suppliers the opportunity to meet with procurement decision makers from Aston University, and Constructionline staff will also be available to advise suppliers on how best to present their business.

Ian Oldacre, Deputy Director of Estates – Development and Facilities at Aston University, said: “We’re embarking on a long-term redevelopment plan to ensure that our university stays ahead of the curve. Working with local businesses is something that we’re really committed to so we look forward to discussing our plans in further detail with attendees on the day.”

Cheryl Wrench, Client Relationship Manager at Constructionline, said: “Aston University are offering local SMEs a fantastic chance to work on a large redevelopment project in the area.

“Often suppliers can be unclear on how to go about putting themselves forward for such high value work, which is where our events come in. They’re specifically designed to help suppliers gain knowledge of whether they are suitable for a project and how they can submit tender information, while at the same time equipping buyers with all that they need to cost-effectively source a reliable supply chain.

“I encourage all those in the Birmingham area to come along to the event at the university on the 21st – it’s an unmissable opportunity.”

The post Suppliers sought for £113M Aston University redevelopment programme appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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