Biyernes, Oktubre 23, 2015

Less than 1 in 6 businesses ready for BIM Level 2

As the deadline for mandatory use of BIM Level 2 on all Whitehall-procured contracts fast approaches, a survey carried out by the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) has revealed less than one in six (16%) companies are ‘fully ready’.

The ‘BIM readiness’ survey was done in collaboration with the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and building services and engineering consultancy BSRIA.

The survey’s findings also show that 57% of businesses said they were not fully ready, while 27% said they were ‘not ready at all’.

Despite these worrying figures, nearly 65% of repondents felt that BIM level 2 would be good for the industry, with 57% saying it was the future for the construction industry.

ECA Director of Business Services Paul Reeve said that “BIM awareness” was generally high in the construction sector but many companies “have a long way to go” before the government’s 2016 deadline.

“The results indicate that while some companies have already engaged successfully with BIM, many more have yet to engage with the aspects that allow effective information sharing with others in their supply chain.

“In addition to flagging up our findings to government and the industry, we will be working with our ‘BIM readiness’ partners to tackle the important gaps identified by the survey, as soon as possible”.

CIBSE Technical Director, Hywel Davies, said there was a need for for specific tools and guidance for the MEP sector, which CIBSE is working closely with industry partners to develop.”

BSRIA’s Principal Consultant and BIM specialist John Sands also felt there was much work to be done for companies to be fully compliant with BIM Level 2 but was upbeat about the industry’s acceptance of the benefits it will bring. He said it “demonstrates the positive approach to the changes it will inevitably bring, and that is an important aspect of this survey.”

The post Less than 1 in 6 businesses ready for BIM Level 2 appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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