Miyerkules, Oktubre 21, 2015

Oxford to Cambridge Expressway study commissioned

A newly-commissioned £512,000 study is to explore the potential for a dedicated road link between Oxford, Milton Keynes and Cambridge – dubbed the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway.

Highways England has appointed WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, Halcrow and Steer Davies Gleave in a joint venture partnership to oversee the inquiry into the proposed expressway.

Options for improving connectivity between towns and cities between Oxford and Cambridge will be considered alongside a raft of alterations to the existing road network.

The comprehensive study, commissioned by the Department for Transport, forms an integral part of the Government’s Road Investment Strategy. It is one of six such studies taking place nationwide to identify and address the issues currently facing the strategic road network.

As part of the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway study, industry experts will scrutinise the fastest growing towns in the region – observing trends in housing growth and how the supporting road infrastructure could be improved to bring about wider economic benefit.

Road Minister Andrew Jones said: “Roads are key to our nation’s prosperity. For too long they have suffered from under investment. That is why as part of our long-term economic plan we are investing a record £15Bn in our roads programme.

“Improved road links between Oxford and Cambridge will allow hardworking families to have better access to jobs, shops and leisure facilities.”

Nigel Edwards, Divisional Director of Strategic Planning at Highways England, said: “This study could lead to major benefits across the UK and I’m pleased we’ve now reached the stage where we can appoint specialist companies to start the study process.”

While the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway is envisaged as a means of improving the existing transport network, interested parties will have to wait until autumn 2016 for the results of the study.

The post Oxford to Cambridge Expressway study commissioned appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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