Biyernes, Hulyo 17, 2015

Business Secretary launches Cutting Red Tape programme

Sajid Javid’s programme will encourage businesses to suggest areas for change.

The Government’s ambitious Enterprise Bill is taking shape, with the latest announcement that reviews into red tape will be undertaken in five industry sectors.

Announced by Business Secretary Sajid Javid, the reviews will look at legislation and whether it can either be simplified or removed to benefit businesses.

The thinking is that issues such as different regulators asking the same questions to a company, or where guidance is burdensome can all be addressed.

The new Cutting Red Tape programme is a response to business needs by examining regulation and how this is enforced, with business encouraged to report burdens where they exist, as well as recommend sectors that would benefit from change.

Sajid Javid reaffirmed his commitment to help businesses and says that the Government’s plans will be good for the economy.

He said: “I am determined to take the brakes off British businesses and set them free from heavy-handed regulators. The Government’s pledge to cut £10Bn in red tape over the course of this Parliament will help create more jobs for working people, boost productivity and keep our economy growing.

“For the first time, these reviews will look not only at the rules themselves but the way they are enforced.

“We want firms to tell us where red tape is holding them back and help us make Britain the best place in Europe to start and grow a business.”

Through the Cutting Red Tape programme, the Government is actively encouraging businesses to come forward to suggest areas for change.

It will build on regulation measures announced the Enterprise Bill such as those to simplify the primary authority scheme and ensure regulators contribute to the better regulation target set by the Government.

The five key areas currently being reviewed are energy, waste, mineral extraction, agriculture and care homes.

Energy will benefit from a review of regulation and how it is enforced by Ofgem, the Government and others.

Meanwhile, waste will look at how regulations are affecting the industry in terms of production, processing, collection, disposal and treatment.

By doing so, barriers to advancing the sector will be removed, while environment and human health are still protected.

Previously, businesses within the waste sector have said that regulators could find a way of responding better to innovation, which would in turn maximise opportunities to recycle or re-use material that would otherwise be in landfill.

The post Business Secretary launches Cutting Red Tape programme appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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