Lunes, Hulyo 20, 2015

Mayor of London sets up Crossrail 2 Growth Commission

New housing and jobs would also be created through the scheme.

The Mayor of London has set out plans for a new Crossrail 2 Growth Commission to maximise the benefits to London.

Boris Johnson believes that Crossrail 2, which is a proposed northeast south west rail link in London, will boost the economic growth of not only London but the rest of the UK.

Crossrail 2 would run through the new 36km twin-bore tunnels that are between Wimbledon and Tottenham Hale and New Southgate, joining with the existing National Rail networks in Surrey and Hertfordshire.

This will provide a number of interchanges with the Underground and National Rail network.

The Mayor urged Government support for the plans while speaking at Bloomberg’s European headquarters. During the speech, he explained how Crossrail 2 could maximise economic growth.

The Growth Commission will be useful because of its ability to bring London boroughs together with councils that aren’t in London as well as businesses, who will all work together on ways that the railway will boost not only growth but the likes of housing and new jobs.

They will be needed to support the increasing population of London which is expected to rise to ten million by 2030.

The Mayor explained the benefits of Crossrail 2, and believes it will lead to a “prosperous future.”

He said: “Crossrail 2 will help realize London’s full economic potential, increasing the nation’s productivity and creating thousands of new jobs and homes.

“Major projects take time to plan and prepare and with Crossrail 1 nearing completion, we must move quickly to the next transformational growth project which could see even more benefits delivered.

“Crossrail 2 will support up to 200,000 more homes and jobs, adding billions of pounds to the national economy and ensuring a prosperous future for the whole country.”

Crossrail 2 is expected to help create in the region of 200,000 new jobs when it is operational, supporting the construction and manufacturing sectors in particular.

Sir Merrick Cockell has been appointed the Chairman of the Growth Commission and he commented: “I am delighted to be appointed as the Chairman of the Crossrail 2 Growth Commission.

“The new railway is imperative to the future growth of the Capital and across the UK, and the Growth Commission will play a key role in helping ensure local development plans along the route meet their full potential.”

The Commission has also gained support from business leaders who urged the Government to use its Comprehensive Spending Review to provide the funding needed to start Crossrail 2 next decade.

This autumn will see a public consultation commence so that more information can be provided about the project, such as locations for station entrances and work sites.

The Commission will report in spring 2016.

The post Mayor of London sets up Crossrail 2 Growth Commission appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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