Lunes, Hulyo 20, 2015

Chancellor urged to reconsider scrapping zero carbon homes

More than 200 businesses have today urged the Chancellor, George Osborne, to reconsider the government’s decision to scrap the zero carbon homes policy in an open letter.

The treasury’s decision to axe the target to make new homes carbon neutral from 2016 was announced in Chancellor George Osborne’s ‘Fixing the Foundations’ productivity plan, which outlined government strategy to increase UK productivity across the next decade.

The letter is undersigned by 246 business leaders from the construction, property and renewable energy industries and states: ‘There was a broad consensus in support of the zero carbon policy, which was designed to give industry the confidence it needs to invest and innovate, in order to drive higher energy efficiency standards and low carbon energy solutions.
‘Since the policy was first launched eight years ago, business has invested heavily in preparing for future standards. This sudden U-turn has undermined industry confidence in Government and will now curtail investment in British innovation and manufacturing in low carbon products and services. There is no evidence to suggest it will increase housing supply or boost productivity.’

Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive of the UK Green Building Council, which coordinated the letter, said: “The speed and the stealth with which this administration has destroyed some of the long-term policies supporting the renewable and low carbon industries has been breath-taking. We have witnessed an unparalleled wave of support from our members and the wider industry who are deeply concerned about how the Government’s sudden, regressive and arbitrary decision to scrap the long established zero carbon policy will impact their business and investment.

“This U-turn not only means our new buildings will be less energy efficient and more costly to run, but it comes at a time when the UK should be taking strong action on climate change ahead of the UN conference in Paris in December. We urge Government to reconsider its position for the sake of future confidence in the UK’s low carbon economy.”

Managing Director at HAB Housing Mike Roberts also commented: “It may not have been perfect but the zero carbon policy was an attempt to provide confidence to the construction sector, setting out future standards with enough notice for industry to be able to deliver.

“Scrapping the policy sends a terrible message to the industry and undermines all those who have put time and energy into making it work.”

Rob Lambe, Managing Director of the energy services arm of Willmott Dixon, said: “We have worked tirelessly over the past ten years, along with our clients, investing tens of millions of pounds to develop detailed solutions required to deliver against the zero carbon homes 2016 policy.”

The post Chancellor urged to reconsider scrapping zero carbon homes appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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