Biyernes, Mayo 12, 2017

Fleet survey reveals nearly two thirds need advice on telematics

A BT Fleet report has revealed that 67% of fleet managers feel their company would benefit from guidance on how to get the best out of their telematics data.

The BT Fleet Operational Fleet Insight Report produced in conjunction with the AA examines the issues currently facing the fleet industry and the future direction of the industry.

In terms of telematics, just over half (51%) of fleet managers said that their company’s used the management system, with that number increasing to 74% for those fleets made up of over 100 vehicles.

For fleet drivers, use the of telematics appears to be growing in popularity with 46% of respondents feeling positive about its use, while just 25% had negative feelings towards it.

The report also examined what the focus of investment would be in the next few years with 75% of respondents selecting upgrading to fuel efficient technology, while 62% chose hybrid and electric vehicles and 59% said telematics.

The report also revealed that more than half of fleet managers said they felt positive about Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. 55% of fleet managers surveyed backed Brexit, with 31% against the move and 14% on the fence.

Looking to the future, the fleet industry expects to see a greater uptake of hybrid of fully electric vehicles. Currently, these vehicles make up 8% of operation fleets, with this figure forecast to increase to 30% in ten years time.

Fleet managers are also anticipating automated vehicles to play a significant role in the future with 41% of fleet managers believing that they will make up a part of their fleet within the next ten years.

There was an element of concern from fleet drivers over the potential adoption of the technology with 21% feeling under threat by the advanced technology.

Overall, there was a strong feeling of positivity surrounding the current state of the fleet industry as almost 60% believe the market is performing better than in previous years.

Edmund King, President of the AA commented: “The findings show that the operational fleet sector is performing strongly and that there are many reasons for operational fleets to be optimistic in both the near and distant future.

“Fleet managers feel that future technologies will help to improve the sector further, while at the same time drivers feel safe and secure in their jobs.

“Despite some companies strategically planning for any future downturn in the economy, it is pleasing to see that the majority of fleets feel that Brexit presents a series of opportunities for the sector to explore.”

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The post Fleet survey reveals nearly two thirds need advice on telematics appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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