Linggo, Mayo 7, 2017

LGA urges government to let councils build homes again

The Local Government Association (LGA) has called upon all political parties ahead of the General Election to commit to 10-point plan of action that will boost the construction of homes, schools and efforts to tackle the country’s skills shortage.

The LGA, which represents more than 370 councils in England and Wales, has written to all political party leaders with a list of key pledges to include in their manifestos ahead of the General Election on June 8.

Amongst the 10-point plan is a return to councils’ traditional role of building affordable homes. The LGA requests that councils be allowed to borrow to invest and keep 100% of the total receipts from any homes they sell to replace them and reinvest in building new homes and infrastructure.

Council should also be given a voice in deciding where new schools are built and what type of school is being introduced to the area.

In terms of tackling the skills shortage, the LGA’s plan requests councils have access to funding and be given responsibility for the  £10.5Bn a year national employment and skills system.

LGA Chairman Lord Porter said: “Councils have a key role to play in helping to generate economic growth, build homes, strengthen communities, and protect vulnerable people in all parts of the country. It is vital for the next government to recognise the need to empower councils to deliver for their residents and the country.

“The need for financial sustainability for local government is urgent. Councils need fairer funding to continue to provide the full range of services that support their local communities, alongside a fairer funding system for all schools.

“To build new homes, create jobs, provide the dignified care for our elderly and disabled and boost economic growth, all councils also need greater freedom from central government to take decisions over vital services in their area.

“Local government’s offer to all political parties is clear – commit to these key policy pledges and we will deliver.”

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The post LGA urges government to let councils build homes again appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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