Huwebes, Nobyembre 12, 2015

BIMcert – Your Open Door to 2016 BIM

BIMcertBIMcert is an organisation of highly experienced construction professionals, providing a unique offer of funding, support and certification options to businesses who need to acquire and demonstrate BIM capability.

Founding Director, Neil Reed, explains the business to UK Construction Media and how its services are helping companies achieve BIM capability.

“You need BIM to win work in the construction and infrastructure sectors.

Don’t panic. Help is at hand.”

You will, by now, be very aware of the 2016 mandate for BIM. But you may also be one of the many businesses for whom the door still seems closed and the massive implications of losing out on future work is causing significant alarm. Don’t panic. Help is at hand.

A recent survey for UK Construction Week showed that:

  • 85% of respondents recognise BIM as a positive development for the industry.
  • 96% say they need more support and training.
  • 62% say they still don’t have a clear understanding of what is required.

The Problem

Despite a 5 year lead-in to the Government’s BIM Mandate, there is still a gap between businesses recognising the importance of BIM and those able to actually acquire or demonstrate BIM capability. So if you are one of the people who feel lost in the void, you are not alone.

You know you need to acquire and demonstrate BIM capability. To do that, you need help to find and assess the different options available for funding, support and certification. You need to understand all of these options, select the ones best suited to you and combine them into a practical, cost-effective solution to your needs. The reality is, you just don’t have the time and resource to do it all yourself.

Yet the ground you need to make up may not be as great as you imagine. BIM is achievable and there is help – including SME funding – available to help you close the gap. With clearly defined standards, support and certification all now available, you can be ready for 2016.

“If you sit in this gap, needing BIM capability but not sure how to get it,

ask for our help.”

The questions you frequently ask include:

  • Does the BIM Mandate apply to me?
  • Which BIM Standards apply to me?
  • How will compliance help my business?
  • Where do I find training or help to create the required processes and procedures?
  • How much will it all cost and will I get a return on my investment?
  • Are there grants available to help me?

BIMcert can provide you with answers to these and other questions. So if you don’t have the time or resource to do it all yourself, don’t worry, you don’t have to. BIMcert will do it for you.


The Benefits

You need to find a way to make this complex task simple. BIMcert aims to do just that, providing the ‘dream package’ that will save you time and money, whilst helping you meet your business objectives. Working with BIMcert allows you to:

  • Get the job done.
  • Do so in as short a time as possible, so you can realise the benefits earlier.
  • Minimise the cost of ‘downtime’ in relation to your own staff.
  • Acquire a BIM system that will help you manage information more efficiently.
  • Acquire a BIM system that will comply with the relevant standards that will help you procure, pre-qualify, win and deliver projects.

The Solution

BIMcert provides a single source for everything you need to acquire and demonstrate BIM capability. We provide a unique package of support, from funding through training and development to certification, helping you to acquire and demonstrate BIM capability.

  • BIM FundingAssessment and referral to targeted sources of grants and subsidies.
  • BIM SupportA complete package of support in preparation for certification.
  • BIM CertificationCertification from a UKAS accredited Certification Body.

Our Pre-Assessment will identify the gaps in your capability, the support you need and funding available. To book your Pre-Assessment, please contact us direct.

We work with people like you in the public and private sectors, both experienced and novice, from project procurement to delivery. We are entirely independent, providing reliable, cost-effective advice and support.

“Experience shows that for the vast majority of businesses, the cost of assessment and certification is less than a single Revit licence or pre-qualification submission.”

What is also important, is what we don’t do:

  • We don’t sell you software.
  • We don’t come with a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • We don’t promise things we can’t deliver.

Next Steps

So whether you are in a large organisation or a business with less than 250 employees (SME) you can get help and comply with BIM requirements ahead of the deadline.

If you want more information on how to open the door to a brighter BIM future, please contact us direct for confidential, independent advice.

The post BIMcert – Your Open Door to 2016 BIM appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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