Miyerkules, Nobyembre 11, 2015

The Considerate Constructors Scheme honours top companies

National Company Awards Ceremony has awarded the top accolade of “Most Considerate Company 2015” to four companies at the National Company Awards 2015.

The award of “Most Considerate Company 2015” was awarded to A-one+ Area 12; Devon Medical Turnkey Solutions; T.A.D. Builders; and Yarlington Property Management.

The national scheme established by the construction industry to improve its image, is a non-profit-making, independent organisation. Construction sites, companies and suppliers voluntarily register with the Scheme and agree to follow the Code of Considerate Practice. Following the code includes respecting the community, protecting the environment, secure safety and valuing the workforce.

For the first time ‘value bands’ were introduced to enable companies to be assessed based on their turnover; over £10M; £3.5M-£10M; £250k-£3.5M; less than £250k.

Considerate Constructors Scheme Chief Executive Edward Hardy commented: “The Scheme is delighted to recognise the great achievements that the 2015 National Company Award winners have made. Over 600 companies register with the Scheme every year and this year’s competition to win an award was tougher than ever – with companies increasing their standards and performance to the next level. With such high demand for construction activity across the UK, it’s paramount that the industry works collaboratively and continues to raise standards.”

A-one+ Area 12 provide construction services to Highways England across the East Midlands, Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and the North East. They were particularly praised on their award winning “No Strikes Safety Training Initiative” to prevent HGV collisions with maintenance vehicles.

Devon Medical Turnkey Solutions impressed the Scheme with the professionalism and commitment to best practice, with systems and procedures more typically associated with the larger enterprise.

T.A.D Builders Ltd, specialising in construction contracts for local authorities and maintenance contracts for local authorities and housing associations were recognised for their level of community involvement in holding charity dinners – the proceeds from which have been used to build a new mill and a maternity ward in Uganda.

Yarlington Property Management provides a repair and management service for a leading housing provider. The scheme praised the Company’s commitment to serving the community and work-force with a people-orientated approach being an exceptional example of considerate construction.

The competition was strong, with only the highest performing companies receiving an award. In total there were 20 Gold, 29 Silver and 46 Bronze Awards presented.



The post The Considerate Constructors Scheme honours top companies appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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