Huwebes, Nobyembre 26, 2015

Nabarro reveals UK as most attractive country for infrastructure investment

Research from international Law film Nabarro has revealed that the UK remains top of the Nabarro infrastructure index.

The infrastructure index highlights the most attractive hotspots for infrastructure investment, with the UK at the top of the list. High scores in sustainability and innovation were key factors in success, falling behind in tax environment. It also said devolution was creating the right conditions for infrastructure investors.

The index provides guidance for countries that are looking to create a more welcoming environment for private investment, and direction for investors about which countries can deliver on their potential.

The factors that the countries are ranked on include economic status, political stability, tax environment, ease of doing business, sustainability, innovation and private participation.

Other countries to appear in the top five were Canada, the US, Australia and UAE. The research showed UAE, Spain, Italy and the Philippines move up the rankings, with improvements in their private participation score, also seeing gains in other areas, whilst China, India and France fall in the index.

Rt Hon Lord Adonis PC, Chair of the newly created National Infrastructure Commission, comments: “It is great to see the UK doing so well in this year’s Index. It is a credit to the positive conditions for infrastructure investment created by the previous and current governments. However, it is paramount that the UK also identifies and secures a good pipeline for investors. Without it, the Nabarro Infrastructure Index shows that the US and Canada offer equally attractive conditions for infrastructure investment which could threaten the UK’s number one position”.

The gap in the UK’s lead in sustainability and innovation has narrowed significantly, and they are behind in other categories such as tax environment. Turkey was a new entrant to the Index, in tenth place after lowering its dependence of natural resources which has seen some of its construction companies emerge as global players.

The post Nabarro reveals UK as most attractive country for infrastructure investment appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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