Martes, Abril 25, 2017

Sunderland’s New Wear Crossing ranked as “exceptional”

Considerate Constructors Scheme ranks New Wear Crossing as “exceptional” following visit from construction inspectors.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme, which aims to improve the image of the construction industry and promote best practice, has marked Sunderland’s New Wear Crossing 45 marks out of a possible 50, following a visit by construction inspectors.

The rolling 12-month industry average score is 35.6.

The inspectors viewed the site of the new bridge, including office and welfare areas, before a presentation was given by the project team on what it was doing to raise standards, communicate and engage with the people of Sunderland and ensure health and safety guidelines were met.

The project scored nine out of ten in each of the five areas covered, which were:

  • Care about appearance
  • Respect the community
  • Protect the environment
  • Secure everyone’s safety

The scheme focuses its concern on three main categories: the general public, workforce and the environment.

The monitor said the New Wear Crossing site was “extremely clean, tidy and well organised” and that there were “robust environmental systems and procedures in place.”

He said: “The 100m high A-frame pylon looks impressive and sets the scene for the rest of the site.

“The procedures in place for keeping people informed are exceptional. Safety is given high priority and is supported by the inspection regime, training and consultations, all of which ensure the highest levels of safety performance.

“There is a long list of initiatives, including work placements, apprentices, teacher insight visits, careers in construction presentations and employability workshops – all of which demonstrate the exceptional lengths the site is going to to encourage new people into the industry.”

Farrans Construction and Victor Buyck Steel Construction, which formed FVB Joint Venture to deliver the project on behalf of Sunderland City Council, are working on site alongside a team from Atkins, which was brought in by the local authority to supervise the project on its behalf.

Leader of Sunderland City Council, Councillor Paul Watson, said: “The results of this inspection are excellent, but having been to site on a number of occasions, I wouldn’t have expected anything less.

“The project teams are working hard to make sure that Sunderland’s new bridge is just as impressive as we intended it to be, and that the best interests of the city are met. The community engagement programmes are excellent.

“I’ve not only been impressed with the progress on site, but the standards achieved too. We are two thirds of the way through and the project is running to time and budget, and we have experienced no major accidents. All of the major milestones have been successfully completed without any problems. When you look at the size of the project that is a considerable feat.”

The bridge opens in Spring next year, as phase two of the Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor, which is a five-phase plan to improve links between the A19 and Sunderland City Centre and the Port of Sunderland.

Linking Pallion to the south of the river with Castletown to the north, it will help create up to 6,000 jobs and will reduce congestion in the city improving journey times.

Stephen McCaffrey, Project Director for FVB, said: “We’re very happy with the monitor’s comments and score, but it’s important to recognise the input of all involved. This has been achieved through the hard work and effort of everyone involved, particularly our community engagement teams.”

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The post Sunderland’s New Wear Crossing ranked as “exceptional” appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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