Miyerkules, Setyembre 30, 2015

Communities Secretary visits Cranbrook housing development

Communities Secretary Greg Clark has met with housing associations on one of the UK’s largest housing developments to hear how they are supporting their residents.

Mr Clark visited the housing development at Cranbrook, near Exeter and spoke with representatives from Sovereign Housing Association and Devon and Cornwall Homes to find out how they are helping residents to own their own homes.

With over 6,500 homes, Cranbrook is one of the largest housing developments in the country. The site also includes a new primary and secondary school, a community centre, a railway centre and a country park.

Mr Clark said: “Housing association tenants share the same hopes and dreams as everyone else to own their own home, and they should have the same opportunity. That’s why we are extending the Right to Buy to housing association tenants.

“So I was pleased to hear how Sovereign and Devon and Cornwall Homes are ensuring more of their residents at Cranbrook and across the South West are given a real chance to become a homeowner.”

The Secretary also met council leaders and developers, who have worked hand in hand to invigorate the new town, and also with apprentices from Bovis Homes, who are part of the 6,000 new jobs being created.

Mr Clark said: “I am pleased to have seen for myself how the collaboration of councils, housing associations, developers and residents has helped create a vibrant new community at Cranbrook.

“What were just blueprints a few short years ago are now being transformed, delivering 6,500 new homes, as well as schools, shops and a transport network.

“We’re determined to keep the country building and maintain the momentum that has seen housing completions reach a six year high and I want communities across the country to see what they can learn from this development.”

Work is due to begin shortly on a new high street for the area.

The post Communities Secretary visits Cranbrook housing development appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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